National Cheng Kung University - Report of Health Examination for School Entry

  1. 成功大學新生體檢報告,請於受檢日起一個月後進行查詢,查詢期間為自查詢日起二個月內,謝謝!
    For incoming students at National Cheng Kung University, the inquiry period for the online health examination report starts from one month after the health examination date till two months from the inquiry date. Thank you for your patience and cooperation.
  2. 若需正式紙本報告請預約家庭醫學科門診體檢診並酌收費用 30 元。
    If the formal printed health examination report is required, please make a reservation for the health examination clinic of the family medicine department, and 30NTD was required for the processing fee.