Please make sure all required items and date are correct. If the items you are requesting do not exist on the form, please stated in the other box.
After applied online, the hospital will contact the patient(or legal representative) to ensure
the information on the application is correct. In addition, the hospital will
provide the estimate cost and date of the report will be ready.
To protect the patient’s privacy, you must come to the hospital to pick up the report
in person. Please provide both patient(or legal representative), authorized person IDs and letter of
authorization (for child please provide household register) if you are not the
patient. We will not be able to give the report if you are not able to present
correct documentation.
4、取件地點:門診大樓1樓 批價11、12號櫃台 取件時間:週一至週五 8:00-17:00。
Pick-up location: outpatient building 1 F No.11,No.12 cashier counter. Pick-up time: 8am-5pm on
Monday to Friday
Application fee: 200 NT dollars application fee. There will be additional charge for
copying report (5 NT dollars per page). Medical Record
summary in Chinese () 650 NT dollars per copy), In addition, you will need to pay
in advance if you request for an entire medical record.
6、工作日數:受理後約2個工作天交件為原則(視病歷影本資料多少而定), 如為出院病人,建議出院3日後再申請出院病歷摘要。
Processing time: After we accept your request, you should have your
report within 2 working days. For discharged patient and needs discharge medical
record summary, we suggest you wait for 3 days after discharged to
apply for the report.
Obtaining copies of inspection report (limited to records within the last 6 months) , please visit the outpatient building 1F, No.11, No.12 cashier counter.
You will not be able to apply the record on-line again, if you don't
pick up the previous report you have applied online.
If you have any questions please contact Ms. LEE at 06-2353535 ext:
成大醫院 醫療事務室 敬啟